AMAG Technology announces the next release of Symmetry CompleteView VMS. This quarterly release includes an updated version of CompleteView v6.1.0, which builds on the multi-streaming enhancements from the last release with further improvement to camera density, scalability, and usability of the platform.
Stream Throttling
The stream throttling feature monitors available resources on the recording server and actively manages responses to live view requests to preserve and maintain stability and performance. This feature is especially useful for multi-stream configurations where recording server resources can be highly levered.
Multi-day Log Export
The multi-day log export feature makes it easy to quickly export desired system events, such as camera downtime or user access, across multiple days. This feature is especially valuable in regulated industries where user and system behavior must be reported to governing bodies on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Version 6.1.0 includes numerous usability enhancements driven directly by customer feedback. These improvements target both the operator and administrator experiences across the product, including in live viewing, playback, and export.
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