AMAG Releases Symmetry CONNECT Identity Management and GUEST Visitor Management System V1.76.00


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By Matt MacIntosh, Product Manager Hosted Solutions, AMAG Technology


The newest Symmetry CONNECT Identity Management version enhances the request management functionality and expands the filter capabilities of select reports in CONNECT.

Request Approvers by Role, not Identity:
This update allows access requests and visit approvals to be approved by any identity that holds the role required for the current step while the request is valid. This allows for requests to be automatically transferred between identities and new identities to a role to start handling the current requests immediately.

Building Filter for CONNECT Reports:
This update adds a building filter for the Access Group Reader Report, Access Report, and Card Activity Report in CONNECT. This filter allows users to run reports for access groups that are associated with one or more buildings, preventing the need to select multiple access groups to produce the same results.

Issues Resolved:

  • Validation messages are now consistent when creating Identities with duplicate information through the Public API.
  • Building Managers can now edit Identities within their respective buildings.
  • We have addressed an issue where the GET Building command from the Public API was not returning the property of ‘Country.’
  • Onboarding a specific Integration will no longer pull in Unknown Cardholders from other Integrations and create them as Identities.
  • The filter within the ‘Edit ACRM’ filter within the ACRM Role Management now supports special characters.
  • Unknown error no longer pops up when using the check-in and print badge function for a visitor with a photo.
  • We have addressed an issue where a temporary employee credential was not revoked on Check-Out.
  • ACRM can no longer proxy to other ACRMs.
  • IDM uploads will now process an update if the Email and the Employee number match different identities.

Coming Soonā€¦

  • Self-Registration Kiosk Enhancements
  • Support for Credential Expiry Times in Symmetry CONNECT
  • Additional SMS Notifications for Symmetry GUEST
  • Watch for these enhancements in the next blog.

To learn more about Symmetry GUEST or Symmetry CONNECT, please call 1-800-889-9138.

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